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KVKK Policy

Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy;
Omer Lutfu Ozgul ChemistryWe show maximum sensitivity to the security of your personal data. Your personal dataTo the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“KVKK”) properly processed and preserved.

1. What is Personal Data?
Within the scope of KVKK, personal data includes all kinds of information regarding an identified or identifiable natural person ("Personal Data").

In accordance with the KVKK No. 6698, Ömer Lütfü Özgül Kimya Your personal data that you share with us may be processed, in whole or in part, automatically or by non-automatic means provided that it is a part of any data recording system, by recording, storing, changing, rearranging, in short, as the subject of any processing performed on the data. Any operation performed on data within the scope of KVKK is considered as "processing of personal data".

2. Which Methods and Legal Reasons Do We Collect Your Personal Data?
Omer Lutfu Ozgul Chemistry, by preventing the unlawful processing of personal data in accordance with Article 12 of the KVKK, and preventing the access of unauthorized persons to the systems and databases where your personal data is stored; It is obliged to take software measures such as hash, encryption, transaction log, access management and physical security measures in order to ensure their safekeeping. If it is learned that the personal data has been obtained by others illegally, the situation will be immediately, in accordance with the legal regulation and in writing.To the Personal Data Protection Board will be reported.

Omer Lutfu Ozgul Chemistry, to the requests submitted, to be justified and 30 days Provided that he/she responds within the same period, he/she can give his/her positive/negative response in written or digital environment. It is essential that the necessary transactions regarding the requests are free of charge. However, if the transactions require a cost, Omer Lutfu Ozgul Chemistry, reserves the right to demand a fee. These fees Personal Data Protection Board determined by the tariff determined in accordance with Article 13 of the Personal Data Protection Law.

Personal Data Owners, their questions, opinions, offers, suggestions or requests info@olo.com.tr to their e-mail address.

3. Which Personal Data Do We Process?
The following examples can be given to your Personal Data we process:

Personal Data You Provide to Us: Name-surname, Company information, TR Identity Number / Tax Number, Tax Office, telephone number, e-mail address, address, surveys, photographs, video recordings transmitted within the scope of our agreement and any other kind of information you share with us through the channels mentioned above. Your Personal Data. Other Information, Including Personal Data Collected by Automatic Ways: It is your Personal Data collected automatically through automatic search machines, image and sound recording devices, Cookies or other means. Other Information, Including Personal Data From Other Sources: updated delivery and address information shared with us by social media tools, our business partners, suppliers and other third parties based on your prior consent; account information, purchase, page view information; Information such as search terms and search results, paid listings (such as Sponsored Links) are your Personal data.

4. Cookie Policy
Omer Lutfu Ozgul Chemistry as, we do our best to protect the privacy of the people who use our site in order to ensure that our users can benefit from our services in a safe and complete manner.

As with most websites, www.olo.com.tr Cookies are used to display personal content and advertisements to website visitors, to perform analytical activities within the site and to track visitor usage habits.www.olo.com.tr has prepared this Cookie Policy ("Policy") to explain which Cookies are used on the Site and how users can manage their preferences in this regard.

5. What is a cookie ("Cookie") and why is it used?
Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device or network server via browsers by the websites you visit. For more detailed information about cookies www.aboutcookies.org and www.allaboutcookies.org You can visit their addresses.

The main purposes of using cookies on our website are listed below: to improve the services offered to you by increasing the functionality and performance of the website, to improve the website and to offer new features through the website and to customize the features offered according to your preferences; To ensure the legal and commercial security of the Website, you and our Company.

6. Our Contact Information
Postal Address: Trade Registry No:Mersis No:E-Mail Address:

You can always follow the changes within the scope of our legislation and practice regarding Personal Data from the relevant page of our website. www.olo.com.tr All visitors of our site, all our customers, business partners, employees, job applicants, beneficiaries of the services offered within the scope of our commercial and service relationship are deemed to have read and accepted all these terms.